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This composable helps with defining and submiting forms.



function useForm<T>(options: FormOptions<T>): FormReturn

interface FormOptions<T> extends HybridRequestOptions {
	fields: T
	key?: string | false
	timeout?: number
	reset?: boolean
	transform?: (fields: T) => T

useForm accepts a object of options, most of which are the same as router's options.


The following example is a typical useForm usage:

const login = useForm({
	method: 'POST',
	url: route('login'),
	fields: {
		email: '',
		password: '',

Form options

useForm uses most of the options available in the router's options. Additionally, the few options specific to this composable are documented below.


  • Type: object
  • Required: true

Defines the shape of the form data. It is mandatory and provides typings for other form functionality, such as errors or transform.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Defines whether the fields should be reset when the submission is successful.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Defines whether the current fields should be set as the default fields after the submission is successful. If true, subsequent reset calls will reset the form to use these fields.


  • Type: number
  • Default: 5000

Defines the delay after which the recentlySuccessful and recentlyFailed variables are reset to false.


  • Type: (fields: T) => any

Defines a transformer function that will be called before submitting data. The data submitted will be the result of this function instead of the fields.


  • Type: string
  • Default: false

Defines the key under which the form should be remembered in the history state. This is disabled by default to avoid mixing form states when there are multiple ones in the same page.

Form return values

useForm returns an object containing a few variables and utils.


  • Type: T

A reactive variable containing the fields of the form. You can, for instance, use this variable with v-model.

  <input type="text" v-model="" />


  • Type: () => Promise<NavigationResponse>

A function that submits the form. This function does not accept options because its purpose is to be used directly in a template when the form has been configured during its initialization.

  <form @submit.prevent="form.submit">
    <!-- ... -->


  • Type: (options?: HybridRequestOptions) => Promise<NavigationResponse>

A function that submits the form with the given options. These will override the options defined in the form's initialization.

form.submitWith({ url: '/login' })


  • Type: boolean

Returns whether the form has errors.


  • Type: Record<keyof T, string>

An object containing the error for each one of the fields.


  • Type: boolean

Returns whether the form has pending modifications relative to its loaded state.


  • Type: (...keys: keyof T) => boolean

A function that returns a boolean value that indicates if the given fields are dirty.


  • Type: boolean

Returns whether the form is being processed — that is, if a navigation triggered by this form is being made.


  • Type: boolean

Returns whether the form's submission was successful. This value is reset when submitting the form again.


  • Type: boolean

Returns whether the form's submission has failed. This value is reset when submitting the form again.


  • Type: boolean

Returns whether the form's was recently successful. This value is reset after the timeout defined in the form's option, or 5 seconds by default.


  • Type: boolean

Returns whether the form's has recently failed. This value is reset after the timeout defined in the form's option, or 5 seconds by default.


  • Type: (...keys: keyof T) => void

A function that resets the given fields, or all fields if none are given. All cleared fields will also have their errors cleared.


  • Type: (...keys: keyof T) => void

A function that clears the given fields, or all fields if none are given. This is different than reset, in the sense that the fields will specifically be set to undefined.


  • Type: { event: AxiosProgressEvent; percentage: number }

A reactive object containing the current progress percentage. This object may be undefined when there is no pending navigation.


  • Type: (...keys: keyof T) => void

A function that clears the errors of the given fields, or all fields if none are given. This is automatically called by reset.


  • Type: (error: keyof T) => void

A function that clear the error of the given field.


  • Type: (errors: Record<keyof T, string) => void

A function that sets the given errors to the given fields. This is usually not needed and should only be used to handle edge-cases.


  • Type: T

Returns a read-only object containing the initial fields defined when initializing the form.


  • Type: T

Returns a read-only object containing the fields loaded when instanciating the form. This object may be different than initial in case the form was remembered through the history state.


  • Type: () => void

A function that aborts the submission. This is the same as calling router.abort().