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Architecture configuration


By default, Hybridly will load views, layouts and components from the views, layouts and components directories in resources.

This behavior is suitable for most applications, but Hybridly supports any kind of architecture.

Default architecture

By default, Hybridly uses the following file structure:

├── application/
│   ├── main.ts
│   └── root.blade.php
├── layouts/
│   └── default.vue
├── views/
│   ├── index.vue
│   └── security/
│       ├── register.vue
│       └── login.vue
├── utils/
└── composables/
  • View components are located in resources/views and may be nested.
  • Layout components are located in resources/layouts.
  • Utility functions and composables (*.ts) are auto-imported.
  • The base Blade template is located at resources/application/root.blade.php.

This convention is generally good, but you may use a module-based or completely custom architecture if your application needs that.

Other architectures

If the default architecture isn't suited for your application, you may disable it by setting the architecture.load_default_module configuration option to false in config/hybridly.php.

Instead, you may use a modular architecture, or a a completely custom one.


When using a modular architecture, views and layouts will be loaded from the views and layouts subdirectories, while TypeScript files will be auto-imported from utils and composables. Components will also be auto-imported using hyphens.

You may use the loadModulesFrom method to load modules in resources/domains or any other directory of your choice:

final class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(Hybridly $hybridly): void
├── applications/
│   ├── main.ts
│   └── root.blade.php
└── domains/
    └── authentication/
        ├── layouts/
        │   └── default.vue
        ├── views/
        │   ├── login.vue
        │   └── register.vue
        ├── components/
        │   ├── login-container.vue
        │   └── login-button.vue
        ├── utils/
        └── composables/


If you need more flexibility, you may load views, layouts, components or modules using the more advanced architecture API.

Generally, this is done in the boot method of a service provider:

final class BillingServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(Hybridly $hybridly): void
          directory: __DIR__,
          namespace: 'billing'
└── Billing/
    ├── BillingServiceProvider.php
    ├── Actions/
    │   ├── CreateInvoice.php
    │   └── ProcessPayment.php
    ├── Models/
    │   └── Invoice.php
    ├── views/
    │   ├── index.vue
    │   └── invoices/
    │       ├── index.vue
    │       ├── create.vue
    │       └── edit.vue
    └── components/
        └── invoice.vue

Alternatively, you may register individual views, layouts or components:

public function boot(Hybridly $hybridly): void
    // Loads Vue files as views inside the given directory
    // and registers them using the given namespace
    $hybridly->loadViewsFrom($directory, $namespace);

    // Loads Vue files as layouts inside the given directory
    // and registers them using the given namespace
    $hybridly->loadLayoutsFrom($directory, $namespace);

    // Loads Vue files as components inside the given directory
    // and registers them using the given namespace
    $hybridly->loadComponentsFrom($directory, $namespace);

You can read about the available methods in the API documentation.


When loading modules using loadModulesFrom or loadModuleFrom, the views, layouts and components will be namespaced.

Views and layouts can be referred to using the syntax.

Components may be auto-imported by concatenating the module name and the component name with hyphens.


return hybridly('authentication::login');
<template layout="authentication::default">
	<!-- ... -->
		<!-- ... -->
├── applications/
│   ├── main.ts
│   └── root.blade.php
└── domains/
    └── authentication/
        ├── layouts/
        │   └── default.vue
        ├── views/
        │   ├── login.vue
        │   └── register.vue
        ├── components/
        │   ├── login-container.vue
        │   └── login-button.vue
        ├── utils/
        └── composables/