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One of the benefits of Hybridly is that it acts like a classic monolithic application. There is no need for a token-based authentication system like the one provided by Laravel Sanctum, or an advanced authentication system like OAuth.

Hybridly works best with session-based authentication systems, such as what Laravel provides by default. The demonstrations showcases how authentication can be implemented.

Sharing user data

Obtaining information regarding the currently logged-in user is usually done via global properties.

Ideally, avoid exposing the whole model — rather, select the properties you need and make them a data object.

// app/Http/Middleware/HandleHybridRequests.php
public function share(): SharedData
    return SharedData::from([
        'security' => [
            'user' => UserData::optional(auth()->user()),

// App\Data\UserData
final class UserData extends Data
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $hashid,
        public readonly string $username,
        public readonly string $display_name,
        public readonly ?string $profile_picture_url,
        public readonly ?Carbon $identity_verified_at,
        public readonly string $email,
    ) {

Consuming user data

Hybridly does not provide any specific tool to read user data, but you may simply use useProperty to get the user property.

Optionally, you could write a wrapper around it:

// resources/composables/security.ts
export default function useSecurity() {
  const user = useProperty('security.user')
  const authenticated = computed(() => !!user.value)

  return {